There are more and more environmentally sustainable options coming out every year. Here you’ll learn about the basics such as the importance of electrifying (almost) everything, supporting a circular economy, and why green innovation is essential.
Environmental problems and solutions
Learn about the biggest environmental issues we face today and how they’re being solved around the world.
Sustainable home improvements
Buildings (and their construction) account for 38% of all global energy-related CO2 emissions according to the UN Environment Program. Yet we often don’t realize what a large impact our homes have on our environmental footprint. That’s why I became a LEED Green Associate. So I can share the most up-to-date ways you can make your home greener, healthier, and more comfortable. I cover home electrification, roof solar systems, energy conservation, indoor air quality, and other sustainable home tips.
Circular economy
A circular economy requires that companies innovate and rethink common products to reduce waste and use less natural resources. Circular design concepts worked into these products include upcycling, zero-waste packaging, and return to refill. Below is a list of excellent circular economy products you can buy today.
Eco-conscious parenting
Start here if you’re trying to live a more mindful and eco-conscious lifestyle in today’s modern world. My family and I live in the heart of Silicon Valley where it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of it all. So I understand how hard it can be to stay grounded and focus on what matters. We are not perfectly mindful or green all the time. Instead, we focus on progress, not perfection. I share what we learn along the way here.
Sustainable living ideas
Ready to start living a more sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle, but not sure where to begin? Here you’ll find simple sustainable living ideas that help you reduce your environmental footprint, save you money, and help you live a healthier lifestyle.
Green marketing and business
Here you’ll find insights on sustainable business leadership and how to market an eco-conscious business using search marketing strategies.
Sustainable products
Discover the best sustainable products, services, and innovations that help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and disposable products. If you’re interested in clean beauty or green cleaning products you’ve come to the right place. There are new green innovations coming on the market every day. This is where you’ll find the latest and greatest.